This entry refers to a departed business that has closed or left town. All information here is for historical reference only.


Former Location
805, 819 H Street (across from the train tracks)
Former Owners
Tom and Amelia Basinger (nicknamed 'Tootie')
Business Lifespan
40 years (closed approx. 1992)

Davis Nursery was a nursery that was located where Boardwalk Apartments is now. Although the buildings were demolished, a unique gold-tipped variety of Deodar cedar remains. It was planted by owner Tom Basinger. Tom Basinger ran a grading and earth-moving business, and rented landscaping equipment. Tom did much of the grading for the El Macero golf course, and regularly renovated the lawns for the school district. His wife Amelia ran the nursery, with help at times from their kids. Tom died in August 2001, and Amelia in January 2013 (

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