
You may be able to trade goods for something of a similar value to another person in lieu of cash. This is generally arranged by word of mouth, but barter items are also posted on craigslist.


Faulkner County FreeCycle has a Yahoo List for people trying to keep things out of the landfills. This is part of the FreeCycle Network.  An excellent way, not only to avoid buying, but to get useful stuff you don't use into the hands of people who will. You have to sign up, and you should complete the process correctly or you are likely to be denied entrance.


Stealing items rather than paying for them is a criminal act and will land you in Faulkner County Jail. In addition, theft is a truly rude behavior and is frowned upon by polite society. 

Dumpster Diving

While some may consider dumpster diving a form of theft many feel dumpster diving is a great way to reduce our societal contribution to landfills and simultaneously get stuff you need or can use to create.  For obvious reasons dumpster divers are unlikely to post their favorite spots but the goods gathered from dumpsters is diverse and may include food (prepared & veggies), building materials, furniture and damaged electronics.  This editor makes no claim to understand or have explained here the legality of dumpster diving, which this editor doesn't know.