Occupy Conway

(Originally posted ): Flyers around town report that Occupy Conway meet-ups.  They have a Facebook Page  and the movement is certainly a response to the broader global movements, and more directly the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The movement does not boast a unified message, but rather an overall call for response from the many.  

Occupy Conway established camp in Laurel Park on November 6th, 2011 after the previous day's Roccupy Conway event. 

Critical Mass

Associated with the global movement of cyclists who join in their cities the last Friday of each month to ride as a joyous gang.  Since the movement is does not have any centralized organization or recognized leaders it is different in every locality.  Information about the global movement is widely available through many sources. This editor enjoys the documentary We Are Traffic which can be viewed online and describes the origins of Critical Mass.

Locally the group varies greatly in size and is organized by anyone who wants to promote a ride in the spirit of Critical Mass, and ride.  Attendance has been as high as 25-30 during spring 2010.  Critical Mass has generally begun at Simon Park on the last Friday at Simon Park and leaves at 6pm during the spring and summer or around 5pm in winter and late fall when it gets dark early.  This schedule is not fixed. Advertising has previously been done via flyers at Bike Racks around Conway, UCA, and Hendrix.